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Founded in Memphis, TN, in 1936, the Memphis College of Art provides professional art and design education to a student body of 400-450 undergraduate and graduate students. MCA is one of only four independent, regionally and nationally accredited art colleges in the South and is the only one offering graduate degrees.

Our Solution

HAC researched national foundations that supported art schools, universities, the development of professional artists and designers, and education in the visual arts. HAC produced a list of national foundations as well as some regional funders for MCA to consider.


Our Challenge

Like many nonprofit organizations, particularly those in the arts, MCA is working harder then ever to maintain a balanced budget and to identify new sources of funding.


Last year, it hired a new director of development who began by examing every aspect of MCA's fundraising strategies. She contacted HAC to discuss identifying new foundation support for MCA's mission.  She was most interested in locating national foundations that might provide funding to MCA.

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